This page lists various programs I've created to fill the sometimes obscure needs that I've found in the MacOS world. They are all freeware, and many of them include source code.
--Erich G Bratton (erich
OTChat is a TCP/IP chat server similar to IRC, works with OT & MacTCP, and is 68K & PPC native.
NetRPG is a TCP/IP chat server for playing Role-Playing Games over the Net.
Misc AppleScript stuff I have written, including a nifty AppleScript runner.
NDS Osax is an AppleScript extension (osax) that talks to Novell's NetWare Directory Services (NDS).
NDS Screen Saver is a simple password-enabled screen saver which checks passwords against the network.
FlushDisk is a teeny application which flushes your disk cache.